Balancing Profit and Purpose: The Challenges of Social Enterprise

Social entrepreneurship is a powerful way to create positive change, however, balancing profit and purpose can be a significant challenge for social enterprises. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the main challenges of social entrepreneurship and strategies for overcoming them.

Defining Your Purpose: It’s essential to have a clear understanding of your social mission and how it aligns with your business goals. You need to create a mission statement that will guide your decision-making process and help you stay true to your values.

Building a Sustainable Business Model: Sustainability is essential for any business, and social entrepreneurship is no exception. You need to develop a business model that is financially sustainable and also supports your social goals. This may require creative thinking, collaboration, and a willingness to take risks.

Measuring Social Impact: While financial metrics like revenue and profit are easy to measure, social impact is often more difficult to quantify. You need to identify the metrics that matter most to your mission and find ways to measure them accurately.

Attracting Investors and Partners: Social entrepreneurs often struggle to attract investors and partners because they are not solely focused on financial returns. It’s essential to find investors and partners who share your values and understand the importance of social impact too. This may require a different and more tailored approach to pitching and networking.

Balancing Time and Resources: Balancing your social purpose with your financial goals can be challenging, especially when resources are limited. You need to prioritise your activities and focus on what will have the most significant impact on both your social and financial goals.

Here are some tips on how social entrepreneurs can overcome these challenges:

  1. Create a mission statement that clearly defines and guides your social purpose and how it aligns with your business goals.
  2. Develop a business model that supports both your social and financial goals. Look for opportunities to create revenue streams that align with your mission. Consider Triple Bottom Line thinking here.
  3. Identify the metrics that matter most to your social mission and find ways to measure them accurately. Consider partnering with experts in social impact measurement to help you evaluate your impact. You might also consider Theory of Change as a useful concept here.
  4. Pitch to investors and partners who share your values and understand the importance of social impact. Look for opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and organisations. Storytell.
  5. Finally, prioritise your activities and focus on what will have the most significant impact on both your social and financial goals. Look for opportunities to collaborate with others to achieve your mission.

In conclusion, balancing profit and purpose is a significant challenge for social entrepreneurs, but it is also an essential one. By following the given tips, social entrepreneurs can create successful enterprises that make a positive impact on society whilst also being financially sustainable.


“The Importance of Defining Your Purpose as a Social Entrepreneur” by Forbes:

“The Challenge of Scaling Social Entrepreneurship” by Stanford Social Innovation Review:

“10 Steps to Building a Successful Social Enterprise” by The Guardian:

“Measuring Social Impact: The Ultimate Guide” by Harvard Business Review:

“The Challenges of Measuring Social Impact” by Stanford Social Innovation Review:

“How to Attract Investors to Your Social Enterprise” by Forbes:

“5 Tips for Balancing Social Impact and Financial Sustainability” by Social Enterprise Alliance:

Elkington, J. (1998). “Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business”. New Society Publishers.

Center for Theory of Change. (2021). “What is Theory of Change?” Retrieved from